mardi, mai 27, 2008

The White Lady Loves You More - Elliott Smith

Keep your things in a place meant to hide
But I know they're there somewhere
And I know that's where you'll go tonight
I'll be thrown over just like before
The white lady loves you more
Need a metal man just to pick up your feet
It's a long time since you cared enough
For me to even be discreet
I know what this metal is for
The white lady loves you more
I'm looking at a hand full of broken plans
And I'm tired of playing it down
You just want her to do anything for you
There ain't nothing that you won't allow
You wake up in the middle of the night
From a dream you won't remember
Flashing on like a cop's light
You say she's waiting and I know what for
The white lady loves you more
The white lady

Humeur : juste bien
Bande son : Elliott Smith

mardi, mai 20, 2008

samedi, mai 10, 2008

And the winner is...

FOLNY Mathilde


Humeur : sans surprise, bien fait pour ta gueule, fallait bosser régulièrement
Bande son : The Cure

samedi, mai 03, 2008


Ca y est! C'est enfin fait! Je l'ai mon piercing au septum!
Oui je sais... "meeeeeuh" ... Contents?

Crédits photographiques : Tit Namour (fallait pas m'appeler Tototte en public)

Humeur : enfin fait un peu beau!
Bande son : Devendra Banhart